9 Exterior and Interior Design, Worth Noting…

October 12, 2010 § Leave a comment

I came across these interesting buildings while on a walk. What better way to spend a day exploring cities than with a cup of cappuccino and camera. Small streets with boutique store entice me. I’m addicted to fine caffeine and architecture. For exterior colors and material specifications, many inspirations often come from old buildings and homes. The adventure starts at a Hermes boutique in Cleveland, continues on the streets of Toronto and concludes back home  in San Marino, California.

1. Chagrin Falls, Ohio. So dreamy…

2. Financial district, Toronto Canada

3. Entertainment District, Toronto Canada

Modern bridge nestled between traditional buildings

4. Near Art Gallery, Toronto Canada

The wood and iron crafted sculpture is very intriguing.

5. Entertainment District, Toronto Canada

I sense massive potential for it to come alive!

6. Distillery District, Toronto Canada

Picture speaks volume, minimal sinage.

7. La Bettola Di Terroni, Toronto Canada

A well executed restaurant design. Mixed materials of rustic refined elements.

8. King Street East, Toronto Canada

Time for refuel… handsome building, bold and daring.

9. City Hall, San Marino California (Hometown)

Subtle elegance with classic architectural details.

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